Hi, I’m



I have over 10 years of product design experience from Lyft as a key contributor throughout the company’s rapid growth, working on holistic app redesigns and business-critical consumer touch points including ride selection and request flows. Post-Lyft, I’m exploring new endeavors in healthcare and urban planning.

I live in San Francisco where you can find me advocating for safer, livable streets and making indie folk-pop music.

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Sunset Boulevard redesign

UC Berkeley [IN]CITY student in urban planning

I led a 6-person team in a visionary reimagining of this 2 mile corridor in San Francisco, focused on addressing the housing crisis. The 6-lane freeway and under-utilized medians are transformed into vibrant mixed-use developments, supported by walkability, transit, and bike infrastructure.

Lyft app multimodal redesign

Staff product designer

I worked as a design co-lead on a UX architecture overhaul of the Lyft app to enable multimodal transportation choices and trip planning. I also led design for the ride choice step, one of the app’s most critical touchpoints, both for users and for the business.

Urban design at Lyft

Staff product designer
2018, 2019

I led and collaborated on two urban design projects to help Lyft users learn about and contribute to improving the livability of their cities. These were submitted to internal competitions, of which both projects won first place.

The first prototype was for an interactive street design tool enabling users to explore new streetscapes and then visualize them in-situ using augmented reality.

The second concept was a safety reporting tool integrated into the Lyft bikeshare rating workflow. Feedback would be collected and automatically routed to relevant city departments.

Lyft & Apple partnerships

Senior product designer
2017, 2018

I worked on an exclusive small team partnering directly with Apple on multiple integrations, including Apple Maps, Siri, and watchOS. These integrations were featured on Apple’s website and during keynotes.

Lyft on Apple Watch

Lyft app redesign for reachability

Senior product designer

I was a key contributor on a major refresh of the app’s user experience workflow and visual design, in order to support more ride choices and make each step clearer and easier to use. We improved reachability by positioning interface elements at the bottom of the screen.